Hello everyone!

I’m Shakeera Ahmun, a freelance dance artist based in Cardiff, Wales. I completed my dance training at the London Contemporary Dance School and California Institute of the Arts.

Alongside my performance experience, I’ve been expanding my career as a dance tutor.

I'd like to introduce my Gentle Movement Series to you.

The movement is inspired by Release based technique, which incorporates a movement quality that releases held tension in the body. This movement series will involve a lot of fluidity and ease, which will be accessible for people with little to no dance experience.

These videos consist of:

Video 1: Warm Up Exercise

Video 2: Swings And Sways, Choreographic Exercise, And Cool Down

This gentle movement series is designed to be an accessible way for people to integrate an element of self care into their daily routines, helping you to prepare your mind and body in the morning before work or even after work if you need to unwind or release some endorphins.

My movement exercises will also be designed for smaller spaces, so no studio or dance space is required. Allowing you to do the dance exercises in the comfort of your home.

Thank you and enjoy everyone!


genre: Dance
type: Move
resource supplied by:

Shakeera Ahmun