Hi, my name is Laura and I’ve been working as a woven textile artist, maker, educator and curator since 2003.

I’m really passionate about sharing my skills and love to see others get the same satisfaction from creating a woven textile as I do.

Many assume that weaving is too technical and inaccessible an artform for most to have a go at. However, with this short film I share how anybody can easily get started weaving with only the most basic materials.

Walking daily is vital for my health and wellbeing, and when walking by the sea I love to collect driftwood to weave on to back at my studio which is what I demonstrate in this project.

Having grown up on the Pembrokeshire coast, I’ve always been inspired by the coastal landscapes. From loving the wide-open spaces to noticing the intricate natural textures and patterns, it’s all very much feeds into my work.

Weaving is a deeply mindful craft – you can’t rush the process, and the focus is very much on colour, texture and linear qualities. I encourage you to tune into your intuition as you weave – focus on a colour palette that pleases you and just go with the inherent flow as you build up your textile one row at a time.

Laura Thomas


genre: Craft
type: Make
equipment needed: Driftwood - preferably something flat and smooth, Scissors, Tapestry Needle, Wooden ‘kebab’ skewer, Pliers, Yarn, Masking Tape.
resource supplied by:

Laura Thomas