We are all beatboxers if you can make a sound and sequence it.

It’s not everyone’s passion is to be a  beatboxer I fully understand that.

Beatboxing is about stepping out of the comfort zone and doing something that (lets be honest with each other ) is not normal behaviour.

The act of trying something or switching off and getting immersed in learning a new skill is beneficial. It has been for me.

Beatboxing has helped me channel my energy in a positive way.

Since Primary school I’ve had the urge to make sounds, fidget and move.

I developed Physical and Vocal tics at the age of ten. Something popped inside me and I could no longer suppress these urges. I was embarrassed and would do my upmost to disguise my tics.

At the age of thirteen and after buying some DJ decks I got into dance music in a big way.

One of my tics at the time was a throat gulp.

A week into having this particular tic I had this crazy moment.

Disengaged and day dreaming in a french lesson I turned these repetitive gulps into a 4/4 kick drum beat. 

That was the start for me…

I could spend the next 3 days writing about my crazy life and experiences, thats for another time.

Enjoy the videos, I had a ball producing them with one of my closest friends Alex. Shout out to him, BoomHouse & Palm Studios.

Love to you all, always follow the good vibes :-)



genre: Music
type: Perform
resource supplied by:

Dean Yhnell