Hello! My name is Jack and I’m a writer and theatre producer from Llanelli and I’m going to pass on some ideas to help you write your own story.

I’ve been writing and producing plays and pantomime for over 15 years and I’ve been lucky enough to have my plays produced throughout Wales.

I’ve worked with a lot of directors and writers during this time to further develop my craft, and today I’m hoping to pass on some of that knowledge and help you to write your own story.

I know you are all very busy, my wife works for the NHS and I know free time is often hard to come by, which is why these videos are so great as you can dip in and out when you have a little free-time.

Now let’s write a story! Don’t be alarmed it’s not that hard, in fact I’ve managed to fit it all into a video of less than 15 minutes!

What you will see is how to break the structure down into five sections which allows you to focus on each section rather than thinking about the whole. We will also look at something called ‘storyboarding’ which is a great tool you can use when you have some ideas to jot down.

All this will be carefully described in the video, and if you would like a copy of a blank storyboard to practice on please just click on the link and print out a few of copies.

Storytelling is great fun as it lets us get in touch with our imagination, so sit back, grab a cuppa and set about writing your own story!

Have fun!

genre: Writing
type: Write
resource supplied by:

Jack Llewelyn (It's An Act) | Buffoon Media